Monitoring Client Portfolios During Market Volatility

As an advisor, your clients are looking for to you to constantly monitor their portfolios, and in the current environment, monitoring client portfolios during market volatility is critical. Without the right tools, advisors may spend days or weeks reviewing each client portfolio to ensure they are within the appropriate allocation range. With some preparation, defined models or asset allocations, and the right technology you can continuously monitor every client, every day.

Expectations for Market Volatility

After an abnormally calm market last year, recent market volatility has investors tense and questioning markets’ ability to withstand political factors and news that may have broader ramifications, such as Facebook’s recent events.

Market volatility should be expected, and not considered out of the norm. The best way to prepare is with a well-defined set of asset allocations or investment models that adhere to your clients’ time horizon, goals, financial situation, and tolerance for risk. Having an investing strategy–and tools that empower you to manage and trade readily within that strategy–will allow you to react with a long-term focus when the market does fluctuate.

Advisors have plenty of experience calming clients when the market takes a nosedive, but this volatility can provide opportunities as some previously overlooked investments become more reasonably priced. And if you have investments you are looking to sell, a downturn may provide the opportunity for tax-loss harvesting.

Tools for Monitoring Client Portfolios During Market Volatility

Markets can change quickly, so it is best to be prepared with the tools that support easily executing trades and monitoring client portfolios during market volatility. In addition to expecting volatility and having a set of investment strategies, you can also use helpful technologies like Blaze Portfolio’s ATOM Align. ATOM Align has features you can use to manage a diverse set of models, monitor allocation drift, and quickly execute trades electronically with your custodians:

  • Modeling of Models – Create scalable N-tier models that are easy to manage and highly customizable.
  • Drift Analysis – See how far your clients have drifted from their target allocations. Set maximum and minimum allocation ranges, and get alerts when accounts are approaching or beyond their target range.
  • Tax Loss Harvesting – Create and save search rules to identify harvesting opportunities across all portfolios. Then, generate trades to harvest these losses and swap out the securities with equivalent holdings in one simple step.
  • Execute Trades – Quickly respond to market volatility by executing hundreds of trades in seconds, directly with your custodians.  

Monitoring client portfolios during market volatility is critical, and with the right tools, the process can be fully automated and provide the information you need to deliver the best results for your clients.

Contact us for more information on how Blaze can help you manage client portfolios and be prepared for market volatility.

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